Things You Must Remember Before Adopting Marketing Automation

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Sabah Noor
date icon Aug 24, 2021
date icon 10 min read

The application of marketing automation in this digital world has entirely reflected on the small and local businesses and big-scale industry-specific firms. In 2019, The global market size of marketing automation solutions was at $15.6 Billion. It is expected to reach a whopping $25.1 Billion valuation by the end of 2023. It is accelerating growth aspects for these industries, but it functions as a helping hand in minimizing the burden off your marketing division.

Another study suggests that the automation software industry would increase at a CAGR of 19.2% between 2020 and 2025. It means that the value of the global marketing automation software industry would triple by 2025. At this moment, most businesses have already invested in Marketing Automation to synchronize their time and resources with the help of technology, resulting in effective and optimized marketing.

In simpler words, marketing automation allows your business to leverage technology to do marketing tasks by replacing human resources. Since these tasks are routine and mild, mostly email targeting or repetitive chores such as auto-responding to pre-sales leads, etc., technological aid is considered an ideal resource for them. Marketing automation somehow affects your marketer’s duties and responsibilities and transforms their complex functions into much simpler tasks.

As a result, your marketing department gets time to be creative for designing marketing campaigns and ponder upon increasing brand awareness via product and service quality. In addition, the best thing about emphasizing technology is that you source out the best results at the right time with purposeful business insights and data analysis that elevate your firm’s productivity.

The best action plan for businesses worldwide in this modern time is to put marketing automation into operation and consider lead generation and nurturing their primary tasks. By doing so, you’re not only allowing technology, or say, Artificial Intelligence, to automate your business’ marketing requirements but remove emotional presence in some of the tasks with practical machine learning elements.


Source: Pexels

What To Do Before Committing To Marketing Automation?

After your business has given a thought to MA being a full-fledged tech aid, you must have a list of things ready to check before diving into the implementation of marketing automation. Luckily, below is the list of those factors that one should think about MA to supersede human efforts and time .

1. Creating A Strategic Plan

With technology surpassing your business marketing routine tasks, you may have to draw and implement a new strategy altogether. For obtaining the best results, your business has to undertake its goals and objective statements related to marketing and how you used to establish marketing campaigns. To begin with, list down why marketing automation would be the right decision for your business- refer to the global statistics for efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and customer engagement projection.

Diving into the marketing automation world without a firm strategy could be daunting, like shooting an arrow in the dark- inefficient and less promising. Moreover, you’ll not only be deploying unnecessary monetary funds and efforts but lose crucial time. You could have used the time to explore or work on new opportunities.

2. Having Quality Content

By implementing a strategy to obtain marketing automation services, your next step would be to plan out content delivery to your prospects. Having good quality content on your plate is crucial to engaging your customers with the correct information. With marketing automation and content working together, your business will experience a positive shift in sales, thus increasing your revenue growth. Therefore, having a firm grip on high-quality content creation is significant to trigger the buying process.

Another benefit of producing good content for your business would be greater customer engagement on your website. If a customer stays on your website by engaging with the last level of content that takes them to the purchasing page, it can increase the conversion rate.

3. Align Your Departments

Bringing technological aid to your marketing department does not mean the other departments of your business firm would not be affected or could relate to it. You must bring harmony to your marketing, sales, and other divisions, right from the beginning. When you plan to give your marketing strategy a new shape, it is crucial to comprehend its effects on the business sales and anticipate the customer behavior/actions after introducing marketing automation.

Synchronize the objectives of your marketing and sales departments to make the most of marketing automation tools and enhance your marketing campaigns then and there. Incorporating your sales experts into the marketing automation systems facilitates their understanding of the importance of sales-ready leads and how to nurture those leads to obtain positive results.

4. Training Your Division Heads For The Change

It might sound efficient and convenient in upgrading your marketing campaigns, departments, and experts towards automated aid, but, in reality, it requires constant training and development to understand the complexities of marketing automation. Your business marketers must show interest in learning about MA; they must continue the practice to specialize in the industry-specific roles for your business. Consider working on the product and marketing automation tools to explore the loose ends and define a sharp plan that would help take advantage of MA tools.

In addition, your marketing team can create data statistics after working with the marketing automation software to link with the initial objective strategy that can be studied by your sales team as well.

5. Setting A Benchmark

In the end, before implementing marketing automation, set your business benchmarks in terms of revenue, lead generation, customer base, etc. These benchmarks must be objective-driven, so your business can achieve them with marketing automation’s aid. Once you’re clear with the benchmarks, develop ways to measure your results after successfully implementing MA tools.

Having that said, you may want to explore expert guidance from a leading brand. Saffron Tech is your one-stop shop to narrow down your marketing automation system requirements. With our team of experts empowering your marketing approach, we aim at providing an efficient and cost-effective service to help you assess which marketing automation tool would do wonders for your business type. Visit our website and sign up to dive into our services!

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