Building Your SaaS Marketing Budget In 2024

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Vibhu Satpaul
date icon Oct 31, 2023
date icon 10 min read

In the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry, a well-developed and researched marketing budget is like the North Star, guiding companies through the complex journey of growth and innovation. According to a report by Statista, the global SaaS market is projected to reach 232 billion U.S. dollars by 2024. As we stand on the end of 2023, the SaaS market is brimming with anticipation, poised for transformative shifts driven by more innovations, dynamic market forces, and ever-changing consumer behaviors.

After hitting historic lows in 2021, marketing budgets as a percentage of company revenue have shown a noticeable uptick in 2022, rising from 6.4% to 9.5%. However, it's worth noting that they have yet to recover to pre-pandemic spending levels fully. Irrespective of whether you are an experienced industry player or a newcomer, the significance of a robust saas marketingbudget cannot be overstated. It's more than a financial blueprint; it's the strategic blueprint that aligns with your brand's identity, resonates with your target audience, and fuels your aspirations for expansion.

This article will help you evaluate and understand the art and science of making a b2b saas marketing budget specifically tailored to your unique business needs. We have assembled insights from different industry leaders and dissected the prevailing market trends to equip you with the tools necessary to construct a budget that not only exudes professionalism but is poised for resounding success in your digital marketing SaaS journey in 2024. So, let’s start with the budgeting aspect of your business!


What Is SaaS Marketing Budget?

A SaaS marketing budget is the money set aside for all the marketing activities of a Software as a Service (SaaS) product or service. This budget covers things like online ads, creating content, social media campaigns, email marketing, and more. It's all about getting the word out, attracting customers, and growing the business.

The budget lays out how much money goes into each marketing activity, where to focus efforts, and what results to expect. This helps ensure that marketing efforts match the company's overall goals, keeps spending in check, and measures what's working.

The actual budget amount can vary from one SaaS company to another, depending on factors like company size, industry, competition, and resources. It's a way for SaaS companies to plan and manage their marketing spending, balancing customer acquisition and retention for success in the SaaS world.

Why Do You Need A SaaS Marketing Budget?

For any SaaS business, having a well-planned marketing budget is the foundation of their success. Some of the reasons why a B2B SaaS marketing budget is important are as follows:

  • Measuring Returns: An essential component of your marketing budget is the measurement of Marketing Return on Investment (ROI). ROI is a critical metric that tracks the returns generated from your marketing campaigns. Marketing departments diligently monitor ROI, evaluating the effectiveness of each campaign. If a particular channel or campaign yields a high ROI, your marketing budget can be adjusted to allocate more resources to that area, facilitating achieving your revenue goals. For instance, if monthly revenue from a paid advertising channel is upward, you may consider increasing spending on it to capitalize on the success.
  • Strategic Planning: A SaaS marketing budget is the blueprint for all your marketing activities. It provides the structure for your marketing plan and outlines where resources will be allocated. Generally, companies make an annual budget, which is a dynamic document subject to ongoing evaluation and adaptation based on performance.
  • Resource Allocation: A marketing budget empowers you to allocate resources judiciously across various marketing initiatives. It ensures that each aspect of your marketing plan receives the appropriate level of investment to maximize results. Whether it's content marketing, SEO, paid advertising, or social media, a well-structured budget enables you to distribute resources according to your strategic priorities.

A B2B SaaS marketing budget is more than just a financial plan; it's your strategic compass for the year, enabling you to steer your marketing efforts toward profitability, efficiency, and success.


How Much Do SaaS Companies Spend On Marketing?

A SaaS company needs to understand the allocation of marketing budgets within the SaaS industry is a key consideration. SaaS companies commonly allocate a significant portion of their annual budget to marketing activities. However, it is essential to recognize that the precise allocation varies, contingent on several factors, including the company's growth strategies and the methods they employ to track financial expenditures. This variability can make direct comparisons between different SaaS companies a complex endeavor.

To gain a more comprehensive perspective, let's get straight into the budget allocation for equity-backed and bootstrapped B2B companies:

  • Bootstrapped businesses often allocate a portion of their budget to marketing efforts. This allocation usually works in tandem with their sales activities.
  • Equity-backed companies demonstrate a notable emphasis on marketing within their budget distribution. Much of their budget is directed towards sales and marketing activities, specifically boosting their marketing initiatives.

These diverse budget distribution patterns reflect common practices within the SaaS industry. You need to recognize that various internal and external factors influence these allocations, including the company's growth trajectory and financial resources.

You can also refer to the source of this information for a more in-depth understanding and detailed insights into these budget allocations. This analysis underscores the significance of marketing investments in driving growth and success in the SaaS industry.

How To Determine The Available Budget?

Determining the available budget for your saas marketing strategy efforts is a critical step that requires a well-thought-out approach. Here's a breakdown of the key considerations:

LTV-CAC Ratio (Lifetime Value to Customer Acquisition Cost):

This ratio measures the relationship between the lifetime value of a customer and the cost incurred in acquiring that customer. A higher LTV-CAC ratio, indicating that the revenue generated from a customer exceeds the cost of acquiring them, is a positive sign for your marketing budget. It assesses the efficiency of customer acquisition efforts and is pivotal for budget allocation decisions, reflecting the sustainability and profitability of your business.

MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue):

MRR is a key financial metric in the SaaS industry. It represents the revenue generated from subscription-based customers on a monthly basis. This metric is considered "recurring" because it reflects the monthly revenue you expect to receive. It plays a crucial role in SaaS financial planning because it provides a stable and predictable income stream.

An increase in MRR typically indicates that you are adding new customers or upselling existing ones, whereas a decrease may signify customer churn or downgrades. MRR is instrumental in drawing out your company's revenue trajectory and assessing the effectiveness of your marketing and sales strategies in maintaining or increasing this crucial source of income. Therefore, it's important to understand a saas marketing customer journey.

Churn Rate:

Your churn rate measures customer attrition, which shows how many customers you lose over a specified period. A lower churn rate is highly desirable in terms of budget allocation. Why? Because a lower churn rate implies that you retain more customers over time. This means that your customer base is more stable and less in need of constant replenishment, which allows you to allocate a more significant portion of your budget towards SaaS growth marketing initiatives. Lower customer turnover reduces the resources required for customer replacement and enables you to focus on expanding your customer base, driving growth more efficiently.

Growth Stage:

The stage of growth your SaaS company is in significantly impacts the budget you should allocate to marketing. Early-stage startups typically allocate a smaller budget as they are in the process of establishing their market presence and testing their strategies. In contrast, well-established SaaS companies with substantial revenue streams might invest more aggressively in marketing. For startups, budgeting needs to be done in a way to avoid overcommitting and potentially losing their financial stability. On the other hand, established companies can allocate more resources to marketing to maintain growth momentum, given that they have a solid foundation and customer base.

Industry Benchmarks:

Researching industry benchmarks is a valuable step in determining your marketing budget. By understanding what similar companies in your industry allocate to marketing, you can benchmark your own budget. Industry benchmarks provide a reference point for setting your budget and ensuring it aligns with industry standards. This not only helps you gauge the competitiveness of your budget but also ensures that your investment is in line with the expectations and practices of your peers. It's a practical approach to ensure your budget is realistic and competitive within your industry landscape. Considering the role of SaaS SEO agencies can be beneficial in optimizing your marketing efforts and maximizing your budget's effectiveness.


What All Should Be Considered in a SaaS Marketing Budget?

Building a comprehensive SaaS marketing budget requires careful consideration of several key elements:

  • Content Marketing: Allocate resources for creating engaging content, including blog posts, videos, ebooks, and whitepapers that resonate with your target audience. Content marketing educates your audience and establishes your authority in your niche.
  • Digital Advertising: Set aside a budget for paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, social media advertising, and display networks. These channels can help you effectively reach a wider audience and target specific demographics.
  • SEO and SEM: Include provisions for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) efforts. This investment improves your online visibility, enhances your search engine rankings, and increases organic and paid traffic to your website.
  • Email Marketing: Budget for email marketing campaigns, which allow you to engage with your audience through newsletters, product updates, and personalized content. Effective email marketing can nurture leads and drive conversions.
  • Social Media Marketing: Dedicate funds for social media marketing activities. Promoting your brand on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram can help you connect with your audience and build a strong online presence.
  • Public Relations: Include expenses related to public relations efforts, such as press releases, media relations, and reputation management. PR can help you enhance your brand's image and manage your reputation effectively.
  • Marketing Technology: Account for the cost of marketing software and tools, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, analytics platforms, and marketing automation tools. These technologies streamline your marketing efforts and provide valuable data for decision-making.
  • Content Distribution: Consider investments in content distribution channels, such as paid content promotion and influencer partnerships. These strategies can extend the reach of your content and improve its effectiveness.

By considering these elements in your SaaS marketing budget, you create a well-rounded plan that covers various aspects of marketing, ensuring that your resources are allocated strategically to meet your growth objectives effectively.

Which Channels To Include?

Here are different channels that you can choose to allocate your SaaS marketing budget:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, plays a foundational role in the marketing strategy of SaaS companies. It involves optimizing your website and online content to improve your visibility on search engines like Google. This approach is particularly valuable for SaaS businesses for several reasons. Firstly, it boosts organic visibility by enhancing your website's search engine rankings.

As potential customers often turn to search engines when seeking software solutions, a strong SaaS SEO strategy can attract a steady stream of relevant traffic to your website. Moreover, SEO provides long-term benefits, making it a sustainable investment. Once your SaaS product ranks well in search results, it can continue to attract users without the ongoing costs associated with paid advertising. Overall, SEO is a cost-efficient way to drive targeted traffic to your website, making it a critical component of your saas marketing mix.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing is an indispensable channel for SaaS companies to engage, educate, and convert potential customers. This strategy involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Content marketing is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a means to educate your audience about your SaaS solution. Through blog posts, whitepapers, videos, and other content, you can explain the features and benefits of your product, helping potential customers understand how it can solve their problems.

Additionally, content marketing is a powerful tool for establishing your brand as an industry authority. High-quality, informative content builds trust and credibility, making customers more likely to choose your SaaS solution. It also serves as a lead generation engine, attracting potential customers to your website, nurturing them through the sales funnel, and ultimately converting them into paying customers. These features make content marketing an essential driver of customer acquisition and a valuable component of your marketing budget and SaaS marketing funnel. There are many examples of SaaS companies that follow this strategy.

ABM (Account-Based Marketing):

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a specialized approach targeting specific high-value accounts with personalized marketing efforts. This approach is particularly valuable for SaaS companies securing large, enterprise-level clients. ABM stands out for its precision targeting, allowing you to concentrate your marketing resources on a select group of high-potential accounts. By identifying and prioritizing these strategic accounts, you can increase your chances of acquiring valuable customers with a strong lifetime value.

ABM also enables personalized marketing, tailoring content and campaigns to each target account's specific needs and pain points. This level of personalization enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of conversion. Furthermore, ABM encourages closer relationships with key accounts, fostering long-term partnerships and customer loyalty. ABM can be a game-changer for SaaS solutions with complex sales cycles, facilitating a more strategic approach to customer acquisition. It's a valuable component of your marketing budget, particularly when targeting high-value enterprise clients is a key business objective.

Looking For A Saas Marketing Consultant? Saffron Edge is Here!

If you seek a saas marketing agency, Saffron Edge is here to help. Saffron Edge is a reputable marketing consultancy to hire a Saas marketing expert. Our team of experienced professionals provides valuable insights, strategies, and solutions to boost your SaaS marketing attribution. Whether you want to refine your marketing strategy, enhance customer acquisition, or optimize your overall marketing budget, Saffron Edge's services can guide you toward success. Our team is experienced in the SaaS sector, which means we know the unique challenges and opportunities of marketing software as a service. So, if you're ready to take your SaaS marketing to the next level, consider Saffron Edge as your trusted partner and consultant.

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