5 Lead Generation Methods You're Probably Missing Out

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Praveen Kumar
date icon Jul 21, 2016
date icon 10 min read

Understanding the Mobile First Strategy

As marketers it is our job to find lead generation tactics and test them in the field that will both bring us more qualified leads and deliver value for our readers, customers and visitors. Leads could be generated either by giving the potential customers something in exchange for an opt-in to our service, or by simply delivering a better experience or by more accurate ad targeting.

While we of course apply many proven lead generation tactics in our daily work, but we also try to get creative and test the waters on ideas that generate in our heads at random times. Keeping this in mind, we have compiled the list of some tactics that have been experimented by many marketers across the globe but are still not known to many that these exist. Hope you try them for yourself to analyze whether they work out for you or not:

Exit-intent Popups

Sometimes you can see that the analytics are screaming at your face that people are leaving from the landing page itself. The clear reason that comes into notice is that as soon as visitors click on the website link they are immediately smacked in the face with a popup before they can even check what the website is all about. This gives them a frustrating experience and can “sometimes” turn them off of your website. However, what if you don’t get any popup when you visit the website but as soon as you are ready to leave the website, then you are offered something of value? Bang on! Now this makes the visitor think twice before leaving, depending on what is offered.

Screenshot from 2016-06-30 00:30:01

There are many tools across the internet, but the one that we recommend is OptinMonster. For example, WP Beginner wrote about how they increased their email subscriptions by 600% using OptinMonster.


Slideshare is a visual community of visual presentations that could be in the format of a PDF, KeyNote, Powerpoint or an OpenDocument. These slides can be publicly or privately shared on the platform and by the way it was one of the awesome organic lead generation opportunities platform. This is one content marketing way that many do not know of but users who submit high quality slides on a topic that command viewer’s attention reap the rewards.

Note: Slideshare Pro allows for analytics, email lead generation, video uploads, etc. but as of now the product is still under changes internally and is not allowing new memberships, but yes the free version of SlideShare is worthwhile and can be a huge opportunity to take advantage of.


Online Education is booming, and while many people are reaping the benefits of providing online courses in various marketplaces such as Udemy, Edx, Coursera, there are scores of other marketers who are actually teaching classes for free simply to get traction from the target audience. The another most attracting aspect of this strategy is that you can message your audience at any time with updates, which effectively gives you the same access an email opt-in does.

Screenshot from 2016-06-30 00:43:05 Bronson Taylor from Growth Hacker Tv executed this strategy for himself as he posted GHTV episodes for free, which acted both as a free trial and a communication stream between him and over 5000 interested individuals.

Gated Video Content

Ungated video content is the one that is freely available to the public or any visitor who wishes to view it. While, a gated content is the one that is not so stringently restricted but requires just an email subscription, free membership, submitting contact information, etc. to view the content.

B2B marketers do know the benefits of offering ebooks, whitepapers, etc. for an email, but few are taking advantage of other forms of content offering, such as video content.

Screenshot from 2016-06-30 00:45:03 For example Neil Patel does this for QuickSprout University, where he displays all of the amazing content that he had available in short, bite-sized videos, but upon clicking on them, you’re directed to sign up.

Old Content Is Still Gold

Content Marketers generally make this mistake and probably is there biggest one if they believe old content is not useful anymore. To make it new again, there are so many things you can do to improve its design, add some more content, update the post with more blogs, and create a proper distribution strategy for it.

In addition to improving upon the content itself, you should take time to identify your most top performing or have performed, pieces of content and add relevant CTAs at the bottom.

Have a look at how this has been executed by HubSpot to take advantage of their organic traffic.


The article concludes on the same note where we started that marketers do find new ideas and test waters with them. Sometimes the best ways are the most simple of all and do not require technical hacks, APIs, coding or any other kind of crazy methodology.

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