12 ways a VMO can help plan marketing strategies for your healthcare brand

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Vibhu Satpaul
date icon Jan 04, 2021
date icon 10 min read

Each and every business is being subjected to varied problems in today’s depressed economy and these problems can be related to marketing, communication, customer relationships, and many other aspects of the business. Well, in such a situation, the first thought that pops into the mind of most of the business owners is how it will affect their overall brand and what will be the impact of these small problems on the short-term goals. Well, the same goes for healthcare firms as well including the dental healthcare sector.

Building a strong brand in the dental healthcare sector is extremely crucial in today’s competitive landscape. There might not be very complicated procedures and services entailed in the dental healthcare sector but still, people are extremely discerning and specific when it comes to choosing any type of healthcare service.

If you are struggling to build a strong brand and not able to get palpable results from your efforts then the one thing that can help you stay afloat is a VMO. An expert, experienced, and specialized VMO can help you in planning marketing strategies for your dental healthcare brand in various ways. Let’s take a look at how VMOs can be of help-

Advice on service branding

A VMO will make you realize that building a service brand in the dental industry is not restricted to putting a big logo on the high traffic roads and making people realize that you are offering dental services at low prices. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Service branding is everything that you are offering to the customers and a VMO will advise you on all those aspects. From how your front desk executives communicate with the patients to how to reduce the waiting time, a VMO will help you in many ways.

Evaluate patient experience

The experience of the patients is crucial in every industry and when it comes to a service-based industry like dental services, keeping tabs on the patient’s experience will become a matter of paramount importance. Right from seeing your Ad on a social media site to sitting on the chair in your clinic, all this will contribute to the overall experience of the patient and a VMO will use various methods to know what the patient feels about the clinic and its service. This will help you in making the right changes in your approach.

Build a responsive content plan

Responsive content is basically designed to suit the individual needs of every site visitor and this means that different users will see different content on the basis of their location, uses, and device they use for visiting your website. Such type of individual content based plan will help you in serving the patient’s needs in a much better way and this is what a VMO will advise you on.

Optimize website/apps in line with prospective searches

If your customers search for ‘cheapest dental services’ and you are trying to rank your website in line with ‘famous dental services’, you will never be able to drive relevant traffic to your dental service website. But when you start working with a VMO, they will not just rank your website on the top but they will optimize your app and website on the basis of the prospective searches. This will help your website and app to rank for the right keyword that is being used by the patients or their family members.

Utilize PPC or Display ads

It’s true that there are many ways you can advertise your brand for free on the digital platforms but the right way to do it is through PPC ads. PPC ads are one of the most dominant forms of marketing and a VMO has specialization in using PPC ads for driving traffic to your website and making more people aware of your dental services. From paying only when people click on your ad to being immune to SEO changes, a PPC ad used by a VMO can benefit your brand in many ways.

Help leverage social media platforms

A VMO will have good command over different types of social media platforms and this is why they will be able to use most of the social media platforms for improving your digital presence. From Facebook ad campaigns to building a community, social media will be used by a VMO in many different ways, and all of this under an economical marketing budget.

Help leverage social media platforms

Follow up on patient feedback and regulate strategies

If you are still not asking your patients about how they felt about the services offered by you, you are missing out on a big opportunity for improvement. A VMO will first start a follow up on patient feedback and will build different strategies in line with the same. A VMO will regulate them after analyzing the feedback from the patients and help you to optimize your services.

Help leverage traditional media

There are many dental clinics that have completely forgotten about the use of traditional media because the current landscape of digital platforms is overshadowing it. But a good VMO working for your dental services will never let you miss on the big opportunity created by traditional media. Radio, television, print media, billboards, cold calling, door to door calling, each and every type of traditional marketing technique will be analyzed by the VMO and then some of the best ones will be chosen for marketing your dental services.

Entail doctor referrals, testimonials, and such in a marketing plan

Incorporating doctor referrals and testimonials in the marketing plan can help you in building a reputed brand. This way you will be able to establish yourself as a trustworthy brand in the dental industry. VMOs specialized in the healthcare sector know the value of trust and that’s why they collect positive responses like testimonials and incorporate them in the marketing plan to get better results and build a more reputed brand.

Help become an authority in dental space

You might be highly educated, experienced, and trusted by many patients in the healthcare sector but have you ever thought of becoming an authority in the dental space? The easiest part is becoming an expert but the hardest part is being recognized and this is where a VMO will help you get. A VMO will allow you to focus on your expertise and will help you in listing what you are really good at. From writing an article to giving speeches, from listing yourself in directories to positioning yourself as an expert, there will be many ways a VMO will help you in making you an authority.

Track marketing strategy

VMOs will not just build a marketing strategy for your dental services, launch it, and then forget about it. They will keep track of all the marketing strategies so that they can understand their effectiveness instead of just making new strategies one after another. From Google Analytics to competitive analysis tools, there will be many different ways a VMO will keep track of the marketing strategies built by his team.

Track marketing strategy

Regularly audit the progress

With the help of a marketing auditing process, a VMO will be able to not only analyze but also evaluate the marketing strategies, goals, results, and process. By using a well-built marketing audit process, the VMO will be able to keep tabs on the progress of the different strategies. This will help the VMO in reducing unnecessary marketing expenses and with minimal use of resources, you will get effective results.

The dental industry is one of those industries in the healthcare sector that is facing a high competition rate at the moment and in such a situation, you can’t compromise on patient experience, marketing strategies, and progress. Well, working along with a VMO is the smartest thing that you can do to improve all the above-mentioned aspects of your dental services. Connect with our seasoned executives who specialize in healthcare marketing and get yourself a competent VMO now. Saffron Edge specialises in healthcare marketing and has an elaborate experience of over 12 years serving clients in the same domain.

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