9 Reasons Why Your PPC Doesn’t Convert The Way It Should

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Vibhu Satpaul
date icon Oct 11, 2019
date icon 10 min read

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Pay per click or PPC, as it is commonly called in the digital marketing world, is one of the most effective search engine marketing techniques. It can help in increasing website traffic, generating leads into customers, and boosting brand awareness, which we all know are such a time-extensive process.

One of the most successful conversion methods, PPC is a wonderful opportunity to enhance brand recognition and gain a competitive edge over other brands in this aggressively competitive market.

Did you know that your PPC visitors are 50% more likely to make a purchase than the organic ones?


By investing in PPC ads, you increase the probability of brand awareness by a whopping 80%?

Yes, such is the effectiveness of devising and implementing a competent PPC strategy. While there is a significant percentage of those businesses that are reaping profit from PPC, there are many that are left scratching their heads on their futile PPC efforts. If you are one of those struggling to find why, despite your utmost efforts, the PPC campaign was a failure, allow us to help you identify the loopholes in your strategies through the pointers mentioned below.

Your keywords are too generic:

Also called as short tail keywords, the generic keywords are confusing as it is challenging to understand the intent behind their search. This will not yield the desired results and increase the cost per click, which will end-up eating your budget. Another keyword related mistake is bidding on broad match or phrase keywords. They do not produce good click-through rates to your site and hence should be avoided. It is essential to conduct thorough research before you bid on a keyword. This will help you understand what your target audience is searching for. Also, since Google reviews and approves campaign just like ads, be careful of not using disapproved keywords.

Your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) goal is too high:

Return on ad spend is similar to return on investment. It measures how many dollars received for every dollar that is spent on advertising, except that unlike ROI, it evaluates the efficacy of a specific campaign. While the higher the ROAD, the more successful your PPC campaign is, but it is also essential to keep in mind the various factors that come into play like the profit margin of the product or service you are offering. If the customer only purchases two times a year from you while you are aiming at the standard outstanding ROAS goal of 4:1, it can fire back. Lower your ROAS goal; while it might pay more per conversion, the repeated purchases will enhance your bottom line profit.

Your pricing is not competitive:

Are your competitors selling similar products at prices lower than yours? If yes, this is hurting your conversion, and you need to set the prices at least at a local equilibrium.

Your ad copy is irrelevant:

Many businesses think that since the ultimate aim of the campaign is to drive prospects, creating a relatively more promising ad copy should not be a problem. But this disconnect between the ad copy and landing page content will reflect on decreasing click-through rate that will not be consistent with the conversion rate. Overselling the business will tarnish the business reputation and the allotted PPC budget in the long run. Be sure to mention everything in your ad and landing page content for increasing the probability of conversion.

Not testing the PPC campaign:

Businesses often think of PPC strategy as a set it and forget it, which is a huge mistake. You need to keep tabs of every campaign periodically and look for signs of improvement and work accordingly. Check whether or not the keyword still holds relevance and whether or not did it drive any leads this month. Look for ads that are converting and accordingly optimize them for the audience's needs.

Similarly, test different landing pages to check what will enhance the user's experience.

Your landing page isn't correctly set:

Despite testing a lot of ad copies or optimizing the keywords, is there still no leads or sales? Maybe your landing page is not set for adequate conversion. How can that be fixed? Make sure the landing page is functional with an attractive design. A well-structured lead generation form with a strong copy will add a competitive advantage.

Your budget is too low:

Let's face it; the more you spend, the more traffic you drive to your website. This is especially true of you are just starting the business, wherein a small budget won't yield a desirable outcome. You need enough traffic to test the various parameters for the scope of improvement, and for that, you need to invest properly so that your site has sufficient traffic.

Your site isn't mobile-friendly:

Is your bid adjusted for mobile, or are you paying the standard rate? Lowering the mobile bid by half can prove beneficial in enhancing mobile traffic. ROI of mobile ads can be increased by customizing mobile PPC ads. Optimize the mobile ads for speed, make use of local and mobile-friendly ad extensions.

Your site loads too slowly:

We all have read about the decreasing attention span of the customers, and it's only justified. Why would a consumer waste their time waiting when they can find the solution on a faster loading site? A slow site will decrease your conversion rate across every visitor that comes to your website, alongside adversely impacting your paid search conversion. Optimize the speed of your website by using the right insight tool.

Now that you can spot which mistake of yours is preventing your PPC ads from converting the way they should, instead of panicking and vowing to never invest in the PPC campaign, reach out to PPC professional service. They come with the knowledge and experience of devising the right strategy by implementing competent tools and technology for a higher return on investment.

A certified Google partner, Saffron Edge's Adwords management team, will help you get the top spot on Google.

Check out our services to know more about how we can help you!

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