Ten Must Skills You Should Look For In Your Virtual Marketing Officer

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Vibhu Satpaul
date icon Nov 24, 2020
date icon 10 min read

In recent times, the world has made a paradigm shift to digital platforms, and it has notably impacted the way businesses market their products or services. The proliferation of smartphones, the rise of the internet, and the influx of online shopping have played a huge role in changing the way we eat, talk, buy, research, and gather information.

There are 5.112 billion unique mobile users and 3.484 billion unique social media users around the globe presently. With the advent of advanced tech, the only way for businesses to reach the top is through the course of these digital platforms and the charter of this course will be your marketing officer. However, developing an in-house team can strain your finances.

Now, in such a scenario, Virtual Marketing Officers (VMO) are your best bet. A VMO works beyond the fundamental duties and envisions strategies that get you a competitive edge without draining your resources. Various types of technical and analytical skills continue to proliferate for VMOs in today’s day and age. Use of AI, incorporation of Machine learning, leveraging big data, all these new skills are gaining importance in the world of digital marketing and for the VMOs as well.

With a VMO you get not only your Marketing Head but also a full-fledged team.Now, how do you make sure the VMO services offered by a firm are competent and scalable enough for you?

To make things easier, we have compiled a list of the top ten skills that you will need to look for -

Understanding of Paid Social Media

With paid social media ads-spend reaching $43 billion by the end of 2020, it becomes crucial for your VMO to have a good hold on different types of social media advertising strategies. An ideal VMO will be well versed in paid social media advertising on popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram, especially when there are more than 3 billion companies that advertise on Facebook.

A VMO should have an in-depth knowledge of both analytics and insights for all social media platforms and should be able to build a unique and engaging experience for your custom audience base, all the while, experimenting with his creative strategies. There is a myriad of cost-saving opportunities on social media platforms, and your VMO should be able to make the most out of them.

Technical Competency

No one can make it into the world of marketing without solid technical competency. A modern-day VMO is required to have a thorough knowledge of modern-day technologies as they are an essential part of today’s digital world. Any marketing team works along with professionals from various domains ranging from business intelligence and content creation to web development and data analysis. A VMO must understand the correlation of work between all these people to make the marketing efforts successful. You will be surprised to know that almost half of the modern-day marketing professions require technical skills along with field experience and the same should be expected from your VMO as well.

Data Analysis

If you keep tabs on the digital world, you might be familiar with the word big data, a hot topic of debate for marketers. However, it is not just big data that is being paraded down marketing alleys but also the usage of available data within an organisation. The efficiency of analysis of the said data can significantly increase the chances of success for your marketing campaign. An ideal VMO knows exactly how to leverage data and draw out strategic campaigns. Indeed, a VMO can never become a data scientist, but he is required to have a basic understanding of different types of data and how to utilise the insights and patterns drawn from it.

Knowledge of AI and Machine Learning

With the AI market growing to become a $190 billion industry by the end of 2025, there is no surprise that it has made its way to marketing as well. Go by Gartner’s Hype cycle for digital marketing and advertising and you will realise that all the expectations related to the incorporation of AI in digital marketing have reached new heights in the last year.

By taking advantage of modern-day technologies like machine learning, a VMO should be able to easily achieve marketing-specific goals like tracking real-time customer experience or keeping tabs on spending across various channels. In addition to this, AI can be used by the VMOs to streamline automated content tagging and personalisation on a real-time basis.

Knowledge of AI and Machine Learning

Source: Unsplash

Email Marketing

A VMO should be a remarkable email marketer as for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you get $42 in return, and this is one of the highest ROI generated from any digital marketing campaign. The VMO should have comprehensive knowledge of creating an enticing email marketing campaign, and they should be well versed in building a quality email list as well. The attention span of emails is concise, and that’s why the VMO will need to be good at making people succumb to opening the email and clicking on the CTA.

Video-Based Marketing

Videos are the new king of content. Videos on the digital platforms generate 12 times more share than any other type of content, and therefore, your VMO needs to be exceptionally good at social video marketing. A VMO will need to don scriptwriting and advanced video production as well. Your potential VMO should be well versed in creating videos that don’t only engage the audience but also create leads. In addition to this, a VMO also needs to have a basic understanding of how videos work on different types of social media platforms.

Mobile Marketing

With the introduction of the Mobile-First Index by Google, you must already be aware of the importance of strengthening your digital presence on mobile devices. Therefore, a VMO needs to master the art of mobile marketing to stay relevant in the industry. An impeccable VMO will have the know-how of strengthening your presence on mobile platforms and optimising the website so that users on different mobile devices can easily view it.

Knowledge of Drip Marketing Campaign

When it comes to lead generation, inbound marketing can do wonders. Numerous marketers can easily come up with a unique CPC campaign. But, what you need to look for is a marketer that can examine the incoming data and build a robust drip marketing campaign. Building a drip marketing campaign is all about personalisation and well-written communications. So, make sure that your VMO is not only good at creating the CPC campaign but is also able to use drip marketing in the best possible way.

Account-Based Marketing Approach

The world of marketing is being led by account-based marketers where the right message is sent to the right person at the right time, and this is why ABM is proving to be successful. A VMO needs to be thorough with his ABM approach and be able to channel the given resources to make the best out of it. With the use of ABM, VMOs can push the marketing campaign to not only a single person but to several decision-makers in the buying process.

Customer Data Security, Privacy, and Data Governance

The involvement of some of the biggest names in data breaches has made people lose trust in companies for protecting their information; This is the main reason why only 25 percent of the people believe that a company can handle its data with ethical responsibility.

If you don’t want to lose your precious data, go for a firm that has the right knowledge to act as the most vital guardian of the private information of its customers. In addition to this, a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity hygiene and usage of critical customer data is also a crucial aspect to look for in your VMO.

An ideal VMO can act as a magic wand for your business and this is why you need to analyse potential VMOs on the parameters as mentioned above properly. The skills of VMOs have evolved a lot in the past couple of years and the need to move beyond the fundamental skills has risen. Saffron Edge offers the best VMO services with qualified marketing professionals backed by a team of exceptional content writers, market analysts, and much more. Connect now to know more.

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