How can D2C businesses use Amazon A+ Content to boost their sales?

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Sabah Noor
date icon Jan 16, 2022
date icon 10 min read

There should be no doubt referring to Amazon as the largest and most competitive eCommerce marketplace, having over 9.7 million sellers worldwide. Among these, almost 1.9 million sellers are actively promoting and selling their products on this marketplace.

Now, the question is, how can you make your product and services stand out when millions of products are already striving for the same trophy? Well, Amazon’s A+ Content can be an efficient solution to beat your competitors to the draw and boost your sales.

This blog will guide you through the world of Amazon A+ Content and its benefits to maximize your sales by improving conversions. So, let’s get started!

What’s Amazon A+ Content?

Whats Amazon A+ Content

As described by Amazon Seller Central, Amazon A+ Content is an advanced feature that allows brands to modify the product description of branded Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs). It was formerly renowned as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC).

Amazon A+ Content is a kind of additional information that Amazon sellers can include in their product’s description listings. Using this feature, you can showcase your product’s features to the users uniquely, consisting of enhanced images, brand stories, and text positioning.

When you get access to the A+ Content, you can add the following features to your product description:

  • Precise and informative introduction of the product
  • Detailed and more comprehensive product description
  • Highly optimized images
  • HD videos that describe your product's features
  • Comparative charts and tables of your competitors
  • Attractive bulleted features list
  • Inclusion of a section known as “What’s in the box?”

Using A+ Content will efficiently help you convey your brand’s story and products’ benefits that add value to the customers. It will also enhance their experience, making them choose your products over your competitors. Since your brand will generate more value for your customers over others, you can observe a significant increase in sales.

How to Create an A+ Content for Your Brand?

Until mid-2019, Amazon A+ was only accessible for the sellers or vendors having a former EBC. However, now this feature is open-source and available to almost everyone. But you have to make sure you are eligible for a specific set of requirements.

  • The first thing to remember is to have a professional seller account.
  • Secondly, make sure you register yourself in the Amazon Brand Registry to be approved as a brand owner.
  • Once Amazon verifies you, you can start including the ASINs of your products to A+ Content. When you update the content for the particular ASIN, it will be reflected for the parent ASIN and all the child ASIN levels.

However, how strategically you create and optimize your content will help you get the proper conversions and sales maximization. Let’s talk about it in the latter part of the article.

But what if your brand is new on Amazon?

Well, that’s not an issue. You still have an option to be eligible for the A+ Content feature. Amazon also accepts and promotes emerging brand owners engaged in other managed selling programs, such as Amazon Exclusives and Launchpad's.

Benefits of A+ Content for Your D2C Business

Benefits of A+ Content for Your D2C Business

You have already been told that Amazon is a highly competitive marketplace, and with the correct utilization of Amazon A+ Content, you can appear as the game-changer. It can provide you with a competitive edge to skyrocket your conversion rate and accelerate product sales. In fact, proper integration of A+ Content into your product marketing techniques can help you increase your product sales by 3% to 10%. Here are some advantages of A+ Content for your D2C businesses:

Seize your shoppers’ attention

The hardest part about selling a product on Amazon is grabbing your customers’ attention when millions of similar versions are out there. Amazon’s A+ Content helps you capture the eye of potential buyers as they are fed up looking at cluttered and messy product listings and no longer want to see them.

However, with A+ Content, the product description is well-descriptive with large HD images and a video describing the product’s features and usage. Moreover, the formatted text and enticing bulletin points make it easier to grab your products' attention.

A better option in terms of SEO

One of the best things about A+ Content is that search engines like Google easily recognize it. Due to this, your brand and products get more visibility, and they appear on your users’ screens more often.

One thing to note is that A+ Content is not indexed on Amazon, but Google does it, which means if you work correctly according to the algorithms, your products will be visible to your potential customers on Google. Enhanced product listings increase discoverability, optimize your brand rankings, and ultimately increase sales.

Increase in conversions

Well, this is normal. When you use high-quality images, HD videos, attention-grabbing, and SEO-friendly product listing pages, getting a higher conversion rate is no surprise. Your products eventually come into the limelight, making your shoppers click on the “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” button confidently.

Increase in conversions

More reviews and fewer returns!

What do you usually do while shopping online? If you get sufficient time, you will try to gather as much information as possible about the product you want to buy from different sources and several reviews. However, when you use the A+ Content strategy in describing your product information, they get a clear picture of the product all at one stop. It helps the customers make the right and quick decisions.

Furthermore, when they purchase a product with its complete understanding, there are negligible chances that they will return it. Also, the satisfied customers will leave positive feedback on your products page that will help other customers choose your product. Hence, increase in sales!

Minimize ACoS and Raise ROI

When you run a PPC campaign for your product, it might bring you clicks in a large number but not necessarily guarantee sales. In addition, running a PPC ad can cost you a good amount based on your needs and target options.

However, the right on-target and comprehensive A+ Content can easily convince your potential buyers to purchase by grabbing their attention on the products’ features. Also, you won’t be charged for using the A+ Content strategy (until you upgrade to the premium version). Therefore, with A+ Content, you get more sales, less advertising cost of sale (ACoS), and a higher return on investment (ROI).

Best Practices Regarding Amazon A+ Content

To get better results, you need to ensure that your A+ Content is optimized with the best practices. Here are a few tips for delivering quality A+ Content and a better customer experience:

Emphasize the USP of your brand

Remember that a product is not produced just to sell it, but for your customers to buy it. Therefore, see it from the customers’ point of view. Discover why they will need it or how it can benefit them. That would be the Unique Selling Point (USP) of your product that you must emphasize in your A+ Content.

The advantages of your product will help drive emotions, the emotions that describe your customers' needs. And where the emotions are aroused, the purchases automatically take place.

Keep your content short and clear

It doesn’t matter how informative your product description is, your customers usually have the same time you would invest while purchasing for yourself. Nobody wants to wait, and no one has much time to read long and detailed paragraphs about your product. Therefore, make sure you stick to short and on-point A+ Content to accelerate the buying decision.

Use the combined power of text and images

You might have read or heard that the visuals speak more than text. Hence, in your A+ Content, combine high definition visuals along with the precise text. You can use banners to segregate your product’s listing and details page to make it more straightforward and offer a streamlined experience to your customers.

Avoid errors and proofread your content before submitting

Make sure you avoid using special characters in your A+ Content. Amazon forbids the use of some special characters, including copyright and registered trademark symbols. Moreover, you are also not allowed to use hyperlinks to other websites in your A+ Content. However, adding a link to any other ASIN is acceptable within the module type.

Also, Amazon takes almost a week to approve your content describing the product listing and description. Therefore, make sure you proofread it for any grammatical errors before the submission. It is crucial because, for some reason, if you ignore the mistakes and Amazon approves your content, it will be live on the website. Later, when you realize that your content has some errors and you wish to fix them, you will have to submit the page again. However, until the mistake is resolved, it would have run live almost for a week.

Keep your page designs uniform

Always remember that you do not create the design or structure of your A+ Content for one page. Instead, you will be using it for the whole product catalog. Therefore, make sure to maintain consistency throughout the layout of your products page. Use minimalistic designs with optimized images and formatted text. Your products’ page design should be unique and signify your brand’s extension. Also, to avoid rejection from Amazon regarding your visual content, ensure that your images and videos are of appropriate resolution and size as per the policies suggested by Amazon.

Guidelines for Amazon A+ Content

  • You should not refer to your business as a seller or distributor.
  • Don’t provide any contact information of your business or company.
  • Avoid using purchase references, like “cheap,” “free,” “bonus offer”, “affordable”, “shop with us,” etc., in the product description.
  • Don’t use any special characters including ?, ? or ™.
  • Avoid using low-quality images with the unreadable textual matter.
  • Do not add hyperlinks to any website inside or outside of Amazon.
  • Don’t use images or graphics that might imitate Amazon logos or programs.
  • Never mention anything in your A+ Content that shows association to any kind of criminal activities.
  • Avoid mentioning debatable claims, such as “the best product,” “#1 selling item”, “the top product in the list,” and like.
  • Ensure that the lifestyle images you use show the products.
  • Your A+ Content (images, videos, or text) should be unique.
  • Any changes or modification in the content is allowed only in the first two business days after publication.
  • Don’t insert or mention anything that violates the Amazon selling policies. Amazon has the right to take down your page in that scenario.

Wrapping Up

As per an Amazon report, on average, around 4000 items are sold every minute by the small and medium-sized businesses located in the United States. This statistic might clearly tell you why all kinds of companies want to incorporate themselves with Amazon services. However, a wide presence of competitors can make it extremely challenging for you to distinguish your brand from them.

Undoubtedly, A+ Content is an efficient method to make your own way in this cut-throat competition and grab the attention of your potential customers. All you need is to follow the proper guidelines to make your products stand out from the product. And the appropriate knowledge comes from experience. Therefore, it is worth investing in an efficient and proficient digital marketing agency to help you deliver high-quality A+ content to increase conversions and boost sales.

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